Vitas 105 Lite - vitas-100-3_f9c8e8aa-3c2b-453c-a65f-685257c9c086
  • Vitas 105 Lite - vitas-100-2_0da48266-18fe-4e5c-814c-a4bf629fc11e
  • Vitas 105 Lite - vitas-100-3_f9c8e8aa-3c2b-453c-a65f-685257c9c086
  • Vitas 105 Lite - vitas-100-4_569488df-5e46-47f5-8f6b-3ccb90c561dc
  • Vitas 105 Lite - vitas-100_e6560956-4f74-4916-83dc-eca4e87ecdaf

Vitas 105 Lite

Product information



Racquet choice for Allcourters and Baseliners

Suggested for:  Mainly Advance players with long and fast swing, either all-rounders or baseliners, looking for the accuracy in ball trajectory and high spin.